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  妇科自医院建院伊始即已成立,有名老中医王志敏等献方献药(如子宫丸)、传授技艺;至今专科正常运营57年,病房建立近40年。妇科拥有李鼎铭、王志敏、刘奉五、刘琨、柴松岩等著名妇科专家。其中刘琨、柴松岩均为第二批国家级名老中医,二老的学术继承人在该科室共有7人,带教硕士研究生近20人,形成独具中医妇科特色的传承谱系。 妇科目前有主任医师5人,副主任医师2人,主治医师6人,硕士生导师2人,博士1人。

  The gynecology department of Beijing Hospital of TCM was set up in 1956, it has two national level famous veteran doctors of TCM and seven academic heirs of them, one national outstanding TCM clinical doctor, one “hundred” class talent of Beijing Municipal Health Bureau “ten-hundred-thousand” project.

  Now the gynecology department is the key specialty of State Administration of TCM and center of traditional Chinese gynecology clinic of Beijing, it is also the resident doctor training base of Beijing, the master degree station of gynecology of Chinese medicine of Capital Medical University. It has great advantage and features in TCM, use Chinese medicine and integrated Chinese-Western therapy to cure some frequently-occurring and difficult miscellaneous severe diseases , is good at the Chinese medicine treatment of metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, fetal irritability, pelvic inflammation, has the provincial and ministerial level scientific research projects in polycystic ovarian syndrome and premature ovarian failure. The gynecology department has set up special consulting rooms for different diseases such as climacteric syndrome , and developed many kinds of exclusive preparation. The gynecology department makes full use of the advantage of TCM, combines several ways to cure some frequently-occurring diseases such as pelvic inflammation, endometriosis, adenomyosis of uterus and so on, and also combines traditional Chinese and west medicine, make use of modern endoscope to cure ectopic gestation, gynecological oncology, and also the anti-relapse recuperation of these diseases.